
Individual of the Year Award

The profile of public procurement has never been higher, with Brexit, COVID-19 and the economic recovery all bringing greater focus on procurement and demand for better levels of performance, effectiveness, innovation and efficiency. Few professions offer the chance to make such an impact on society across the UK.

The Individual Achievement of the Year Award recognises individuals who see challenges as opportunities. It’s for those who strive for continual improvement and have the vision and courage to make a difference; irrespective of what their position is.  

Whether achieving great things early in their procurement career, or demonstrating a long-standing track record of success, this category celebrates individuals who set the standard for those who follow and who inspire those around them.

This category is not solely focused on the tangible benefits that can be derived from an outstanding procurement, but also focuses on the role that an individual has performed in developing change, or in guiding strategic decisions and delivering savings and efficiency through procurement.

Open to: Individuals working within a public sector organisation.

Timescale: A GO Awards submission in this category must cover activity during the period January 2022 to October 2023.

Entry Questions

Please provide an overview of the individual being nominated, including details of their background and whether they are new to the profession or have many years of experience in delivering public contracts. (This answer will not be scored)

Please explain the reason that you believe that this individual deserves to be nominated for this Award

Please provide examples of where this individual has gone above and beyond to deliver successful outcomes through procurement.

Please provide a detailed example of how the individual performed within one specific procurement exercise, during the appropriate period, and explain how the outcome of the process benefited from their action.

Please provide examples of how the individuals’ personal performance has been innovative, unique, creative or ground-breaking?

Please explain how the individual has improved the overall strategy or performance of the procurement operation?

Has your organisation taken any lessons from this individual’s development and used these to improve policy or deliver benefit internally – and explain what effect this this had on other individuals within the organisation?